So, my sketchbook picture turned out to be kind of relevant after all... I'm thinking about doing animal portraits for my concentration. I'm not totally sure about it, and I have the feeling that I'm going to wake up tommorow and wonder what the heck I was thinking (hopefully not...). I don't mean cutesy kittens or anything, more like realistic portrait-type paintings or studies-- kind of like that dog Kelsey did for her summer project, or some of the "pet projects" in the AP gallery online? I have always loved

animals, so it would be something I could get into. One painter who I really like who does animals a lot is Franz Marc (the pictures are two of my favorites of his), so maybe I could try doing something in his style..... I still have some more thinking to do, obviously, but right now I think I'd like to do something along these lines. Suggestions to help pull this idea together would be great, thanks!
thanks for the response, and ya.. hipbone.. was an experience.. def. not really my thing to go stare at a naked man for three hours and try to draw him. but.. you kinda get used to it? i really liked the enviroment and the people there, it was fun overall.
I always love a good long blogspot post (probably because I write ones just as long myself). Your concentration sounds very cool. The kitty you drew in your sketchbook is amazing; the eyes are mesmerizing and give your kitty such an appealing human quality. The repetition of the stripes is great! I like how you mentioned you were thinking of doing portraits of animals because your drawing below has such a narrative quality that I really like!
that sounds great! i've always known you for being amazing at drawing animals, even since jr. high, i bet you it will turn out really cool!
i like how mystical they seem.
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