Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another Portrait

This is another charcoal drawing I made in my class over the summer. It's not quite finished, but I still got a pretty good structure, and I like how it turned out.


LHS AP 2-D said...

Shelby- You really captured this model. His name is Jeff, I know him well. He is very stern and serious at times. The mood you created is fantastic.

Mackenzie said...

Shelby I love this! You are so talented! I agree with Ms. Mcbride, I love the tone of the piece. :)

lhsap2aubreyf said...

This is amazing Shelby! I've drawn him as well and you really did a great job. I'm going to join the "I agree with Ms. McBride" Club and say you created a very powerful atmosphere in the piece.